I am Not a slut!  

So, I've been reading stuff on BDSM websites and seen some conversations on these sites. Most of the time, it seems that people mistake being submissive or a slave or a bottom or what-have-you for women, especially being synonymous with being a 'slut' a 'whore' or otherwise. Over the course of my search (although not searching any longer), I've had experiences where male dominants who have contacted me feel it is okay to call me the aforementioned monikers of slut, whore, tramp, bitch, etc.  Here's a newsflash: MOST women do not take well to being called those names, especially at the starting gate. Yes, some women enjoy being called these things, but for the most part, that is after a relationship is established. Even male dominants that I know will greet me by saying, "Hello, little girl" or "How are you, young lady?" Do I find this demeaning? Yes. On one occasion, I said 'Hello little man" (hey, that's the equivalent, right?) and the man did not take well to this and proceeded to tell me that I was being disrespectful. My response? "Well, you called me little girl, so I thought that was how you wanted to proceed."

I read on one young woman's profile on one of these sites (and God bless her, she was 18-years old) that essentially, "Because I identify as submissive does not mean I am a slut, whore, etc... I am an intelligent woman and being submissive does not mean you can call me derogatory names" (I'm paraphrasing here). BRAVO! My initial thought was "Wow, how incredible!" I should also mention that male submissives I know also go through the same thing with female dominants.

It's really a shame that it is necessary to even point this out.

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