I never met an issue I didn't like.

Ok, that is a lie.

Let me explain.

We all have issues that are unresolved. Hell, we're human. I have some issues, you have some issues and so on. However, if those issues interfere with your BDSM play, I say run away from the St. Andrew's cross and to your nearest shrink.

I tire from the drama that evolves from unresolved issues. I tire of hearing that the unresolved issue is the 'reason' for the way people act or react. For example, Daddy or Mommy issues should not be played out in a scene or in a relationship. Your significant other or play partner should not be an extension of your problems or as a means to resolve them. As soon as someone says, "She/He is like the mother/father I wish I had..." I put my fingers in my ears, start screaming, and run for the hills. That's the equivalent of someone saying they are like the "daughter/son I never had." Ew. And seriously? Too much information for me.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for communication and discussing issues with your partner. For God's sakes though, please pay someone and don't play someone to resolve the problems of present or past.

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