
How do I learn about the lifestyle?
How do I learn to be a better (insert title here)?
How can I ____?

Ok, realistically, no book will ever prepare you for this lifestyle. Story of O, great book. The beauty series, great. Realistic? No. Romantic? Sure. I've read books on medical issues, but did not do surgery on myself, either.
The books out there on BDSM have great intentions. If you want a sip from the cup of BDSM, go for it. But nothing is fool proof and nothing is a bible.
I'm not discouraging reading, hell, it is fundamental, but take it with a grain of salt. A lot of authors write from what they know and what they like. Every relationship is different. People have different ways of doing things, like rituals, greeting, serving, topping, etc.
In the 'nilla world, one would not assume that "all boys like the color blue and all girls like the color pink." Personally, I like the color red, mainly on my ass.  
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